Toni de l´hostal

Mamelles i culs

ni comunisme ni caritat
ni socialisme ni paritat
no volem l’autonomia ja
tots els polítics a fer la mà
mamamamamamamamelles i culs
mamamamamamamamelles i culs
volem porn a les revistes, pel.licules i calendaris pa adults
la poesia no és diversió
trenta canals de telecaixó
pornografiga per internet
i caliquenyos dins del trinquet
ja no volem vore el paradís
només volem un troç del pastís
mamamamamamamamelles i culs
mamamamamamamamelles i culs
totes les dònes són unes putes i tots els homes uns ganduls
mamamamamamamamelles i culs
mamamamamamamamelles i culs

Spotify VS Grooveshark

I have been totally blown away by Gooveshark. Being a browser based app It´s not as solid as Spotify, but it has no ads (for now) and doesn´t even need registration (for now). The catalog is interestingly different. It features people like Frank Zappa, Silvio Rodríguez or Ani Difranco, who are totally missing from Spotify.

Web based, Grooveshark:
Desktop App, Sportify:
Search item: Hatikvah, the National Anthem of Israel:


I got an email on November 2020 pointing me to the story of the site:

Frank Zappa´s Asteroid (3834 ZappaFrank)

Existe un asteroide en el cinturón de asteroides (a mitad de camino de Júpiter) con el Nombre de Frank Zappa 🙂
(3834) Zappafrank

DescubridorLadislav Brožek
Fecha22 de junio de 1994
CategoríaCinturón de asteroides
Características atmosféricas
Temperatura~167 K
máx.: 239 K (-34° C)

I love Frank Zappa

I´ve been listening to a lot of Zappa lately after a few years of not listening to him as much as I used to. It´s all thanks to GrooveShark and the fact that, unlike Spotify, the browser based music app DOES have a lot of Franks material. I thought I´d post a few vids.

Zappa con 22 años tocando una bibicleta en la tele

Zappa contra los conservadores/censores de la era Reagan

Camarillo Brillo en directo, qué directo tenía.

Montana. Me fascina esa chaqueta con ese pantalón.